A programmer by profession and a photography enthusiast Malaysian residing in Australia.
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Monday, December 22, 2008
Update and my new toy
I havent been updating my blog like I meant to be...I have so much story to tell everytime I stumble on something new. It is really a life changing experience to me. I never really know what it means "All the crow around the world is also black." until I really give some deep thought on it.. but generally the grass is somewhat greener here, but it's not entirely green.Generally people here are more friendly, well mannered, educated comparing to where I work and where I used to work. It's just their culture the way they are brought up. After all it is really a developed country here.
Generally, the quality and service you pay for here is somewhat better in a dollar to a dollar sense. When it comes to chinese food, nothing beats KL food. I know my best friend would probably whack the shit out of me if I say this, but I want to say this...I fucking miss the food in KL!
The food here average is from 8-12 dollars . In KL it is 3.5-6.
Here I have taken some photo with my D90, there are so much I want to post here and tell with photos of course. I had a plan to go Melbourne...but my friend is going back to KL so instead of meeting few friends, I am meeting 1 friend less so I have cancelled my plan. With the money I save from that trip, plus tax free when i travel back, and Christmas is coming...all these excuses .....my new toy -d90.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Got a job
I have been gaming mostly while waiting on news on the jobs..there were quite a few attempts of interviews ...most of them failed because of I prepared wrongly for the interviews and also I was pretty nervous in a new land and out of touch with interviews process.
The hiring process here is slow and specific. Usually the job opportunities comes from agents and by the time one gets the interview with the actual employer 1-2 weeks have gone. They also look for people that are quite specific to job requirements compared to Malaysia, well I guess you guys got my point.
I work with Queensland government, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries. Yes I know , what the F is that right ? Primary industries deals with a lot of agriculture stuff, fisheries as well as biosecurity/hazardous disease etc etc(like influenza ) . The business I work with is Biosecurity and is under the IT solution team. It's a new migration to .NET 2005 as well as 3.5 platform. I am not going in detail of my job because I am not sure if I was allowed to.
Most of the employees here are locals only some indians and chinese I see. They are all very nice people here.
My pay? It's the market rate thats all I can say. I get 20 annual leaves slightly higher superannuation (like EPF).
Well I am excited about the job as every where I go when first introduced, they seems to have a look that it's a big task /project. So I am happy for the challenge , the new technologies I will get to learn and the contribution I can provide.
All in all I am satisfied with the job and will be satisfied most when I can meet the challenges ahead.
Thanks for the prayers back home. We all are relieved now that I got a job. Yes I do miss home in a good way but I am also excited about the challenges ahead.
I love you guys back home!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
RED ALERT! Global warming!
While Anwar and Najib case is the hot topic in Malaysia. There is a hotter issue that impacts everyone. If you havent watched "An incovenient truth", watch it or read it at http://www.climatecrisis.net/.
Save water, recycle, save on plastic bags. When you go to convenience store buying sth small and you know u wont be re-using the plastic bag dont take it, take only the receipt with you.
Save water not because you cant afford it because you know that the water treatment needs energy to produce it, it saves energy that way. Developed countries like Australia is facing drought , so you have to know that you are blessed with water. Dont be a retard.
Friday, July 4, 2008
What I have been eating
Then went out grocery shopping.
What i usually buy are
- bacon 1kg ~7 dollars,
- indomee 2.69 for packet of 5 (maggie is worst 8 dollars for 10),
- mil0 9 dollars for 1kg
- bread 700g 2.48
- 2 lebanese cucumber 2.29
- 6 tomatoes 1.63
- 2litres of paul's full cream milk 3.35
- apples 1.5kg 6 dollars , bought another 1.5kg doe 3.96
- celery 1.34
- sausage beef thick 3.90 (this one got gluten, like a plastic wrapper around it. i think i might change to non gluten sausage later, dunno if its harmful for health)
- smith chips 200g*2 4dollars( on offer, usual 3.49 per pack)
- lindt chocolate 2dollars each bar( usual 3.50)
- just juice 3litre (3.50)
Just tried cooking rice today...brown rice for a beginner 1st time cooking rice! Put too little rice too little water...pour more water..found its too much , poured them out, then when i try to eat the rice its 70-80% cooked. What the hack, i ate them anyway with steamed egg + cut sausages. Also i eat raw tomato, celery and cucumber with thousand island sauce.
Sometime i cook double indomee with eggs or toasted bread with cheese + bacon.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Things to do and updates
Now i gotto get my stuff sorted out.
- TFN, Tax file number -just applied online. waiting to get paperwork
- Bank account - commonwealth (same as my housemate's so that i can transfer the rent and bills easier without transaction charges.
- Insurance - gotto survey which package to go for..get now or when i get a job ?
- Mobile- got my number, but need to check out vodaphone outlet for Iphone 3G!
- Survey broadband packages- the broadband WIFI here in this apartment sucks. But I think i should only get a new one when i get a job.
Weather is cold here especially at night about 7-12 , day time usually 15-17.
Beers and chocolate are cheap even after conversion.Environment is beautiful , the people the manners.
I am loving it here so far.
Miss home ? Who doesnt ? My college friend gave a very a strong encouragement(thanks Bernard!).He said something like this "When people think u are doing something crazy, then you are on the right path. Follow your intuition. There are always sacrifices in the path of success."
I do hope I am making the right choice, whether or not will I settle here in future.
I just hope the next few job interviews turns out better.
O, by the way, I like it here also because I see many beautiful people in the city , not just ladies la:P
There are brunettes, blondes, koreans, japanese, well dressed working class.
The apartment I am staying in has got a small swimming pool and small gym. It is newly built and quite worth the rental if you asked me. The access card I have only allows me to go 3rd floor for gym,sauna and pool and 31st floor where I stay.
Will post more . I love you guys back home.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Touched Down@Brisbane
Weather here is cold about 14-16 celcius all the time.
I will write more later. Gotto rest .
brisbane mobile:61404912290
Malaysia mobile:60126855589
You can call me on skype even though i am offline and the calls will be forwarded to my mobile.
Text me on 60126855589 and I will call you back.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
How to contact me
Register an account -free
Add me : anthonyleongkarkeong
You will be able to reach me either on my computer or my mobile even when i am not logged on. These charges are not applied to you.
For forwarding calls to malaysia mobile i get charged AUD$ 0.075
For Australia mobile i get charged AUD$0.264
I bought a skype landline in Melbourne just for my Melbourne friends to call me. Those calls will be forwarded to either my skype when i am online or to my mobile when i am offline.
The number is +61390170199, if you are calling from Melbourne dial 90170199.
You alternatively reach me via msn: anthonyleongkarkeong@gmail.com
and email anthonyleongkarkeong@gmail.com
Coming back home...when I have not even left
Thats right, I booked my air ticket , Air Asia, AGAIN. 186 AUD (inclusive 25kg, meal and selected seats )
now if i may just get lucky...i may get rm 0 again for KL-Gold Coast. so far chepeast is rm419 excluding tax and fuel.
Must decide the air ticket around Nov,Dec...else last minute purchase is costly. :D
I am coming back on the first day of Chinese New Year. duration probably is 1 -2 weeks , taking about 10-11 working days off.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Roll call on check list 1. & Reach me via Skype
I got myself a skype unlimited world package. I am allowed to make 10,000 minutes calls to landline in 34 countries in the world. For mobile line, only Singapore, HongKong, US,UK,China and some other europe countries . For calling Malaysia and Australia i still have to pay skypeout credit about rm0.03 per minute.
Melbourne Landline (03) 9017 0199/+61390170199 calling this number will forward it to my skype.
If i dont answer in X seconds, it will be forwarded to either my Malaysia mobile phone or australia mobile phone (each min using skypeout credit if call forwarded)
1)get PR visa validated on passport -done
2)air ticket -done
3)autobill all bills to maybank credit card -done
4)help 5th and 6th aunty to get social assistance .-done
5)emergency numbers
6)make sure sister get driving license - work in progress
7)trade in satria for kancil auto for sister?(or other plan?) - work in progress
8)Laptop -done (dell xps m1530)
9)get a skype phone for house-done (got a dopod 577w
10)House computer and networking.
11)burn DVDs of photo in HK ,macau and china -half done,
Shopping to do
1)Linksys wifi router
2)skype phone or windows mobile with wifi and skype installed for Dad or sis-done(got a dopod 577w)
3)laptop undecided over HP 9700 series or XPS m1530-done(dell xps m1530)
4)either dslr or water proof digital camera..or both...
5)vitamins B complex *2 and esther C *2
7)shower gel*5
8)hair gel*2
10)face scrub(should be the same price in oz for St Ives)
11)after shave *2
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Jogoya celebration with Colleagues

This is why you buy a dslr

We were short of rm100 to get VIP card, so me and Benjamin shared the cost and have extra feast on white wine.

The Client Asset Refresh tools support team!

First round of redwine, everyone drank

Evidence 1

Evidence 2

Evidence 3

Friday, April 11, 2008
For my friends(kimberly and rixin)..the bible quotes i owe you two
John 15
Do not misunderstand when Christians try to preach and ask you to go to church like direct sales do. Personally I think sometime they are too aggressive probably because they want you (a friend) not to miss out something great -the good news(gospel). Which is something you might not want in terms of different religion faith.
They were suppose to share the good news, not force you into direct sales!
Now why they wanna do this? It is because the Lord Jesus has commanded these to Christians.Notice the bolded verse 16. To bear fruit meaning to spread the Gospel to another soul for their salvation.
2"This is (O)My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
13"(P)Greater love has no one than this, that one (Q)lay down his life for his friends.
14"You are My (R)friends if (S)you do what I command you.
15"No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for (T)all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.
16"(U)You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and (V)bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that (W)whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.
17"This (X)I command you, that you love one another.
John 15:12-17Why God created man kind ?
Some may ask why God create us in His image ? I studied this in Master life class and I am hapy to share it again with the readers here and tell my friend kimberly and rixin again.
It is because the God's love outflow like husband and wife love each other..they have babies and grow them in their image provide them everything they need with laws and rules guiding them.
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-27
What do the Chrisitans believe in?
Word of God particularly focusing on The new testament, Jesus as the Son of God, Jehovah God the father, and the holy spirit that dwells in all Christian believers.
The below phrase is a teaching i would like to share that we all may have peace and the purity of hearts.
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:4-13Do not sigh and groan in sufferings... I share the below verses with you...
3Not only so, but we[a] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
romans 5 3-5
What the Fuck is wrong with our generation?
I mean it is bad enough with the paedophile...legalised gay and lesbians...stds...
now the fucking business assholes are making money out of the kids? I wonder how their kids would be like ? They probably have none..they are hooked on chasing the money the satan way of blinding us from the love of God.
I am not saying money is not important, dont let money blind us too much.
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:19-21
24"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
Do Not Worry
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?Matthew 6:24-26
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Matthew 6:33
Monday, March 24, 2008
Preparation for Oz Land
Below are the things to do and done so that I am well prepared to go oz land with a peace of mind that things back home are taken care of to a certain extend.....
I need to keep myself updated on my to do list..
1)get PR visa validated on passport -done
2)air ticket -done
3)autobill all bills to maybank credit card
4)help 5th and 6th aunty to get social assistance .
5)emergency numbers
6)make sure sister get driving license
7)trade in satria for kancil auto for sister?(or other plan?)
8)Laptop and LCD
9)get a skype phone for house
10)House computer and networking.
11)burn DVDs of photo in HK ,macau and china
Shopping to do
1)Linksys wifi router
2)skype phone or windows mobile with wifi and skype installed for Dad or sis
3)laptop undecided over HP 9700 series or XPS m1530
4)either dslr or water proof digital camera..or both...
5)vitamins B complex *2 and esther C *2
7)shower gel*5
8)hair gel*2
10)face scrub(should be the same price in oz for St Ives)
11)after shave *2
I wonder how much the bill might come up to....probably toiletries about the same price there...just bring 1 stock each...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Not just Barisan Rakyat have problem forming state gov, Barisan National As well
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I just booked my air ticket to gold coast
I wont be letting anyone know about my flight time...because I want to leave quietly on my own...for I afraid that I cannot hold my tears at the airport...
With air asia I can come back more often without feeling too much pain on the air ticket.
So i am probably coming back on 18 of October to attend my college friend wedding :D
Air asia wil be flying to Melbourne route on Oct 2008. Now i need to reconsider my option as to where i want to work... if i cant get a job by sept/oct , will consider moving to Melbourne instead.
Although surfing can still be one of the reason to choose Brisbane. Melbourne has more job opportunities , Melbourne has surfing spots as well but it is much more colder than Gold coast.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Bought another set of Ferrari replica cars
Today the sales team came to SITI cyberjaya, 1 car for rm41.90 inclusive of rm 36 petrol.
Buy 2 car gets lucky draw once. I bought 6(1 extra black one) so i got 3 draws.
Got myself a cap ,a hard copy booklet consist of all ferrari cars and a highlighter pen :S
Pics later:D

CNY gathering at CJ(tok 7) house(Shell IT colleague)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Voting on 8th of March
"Know about politics, don’t say it’s none of your business. If you think the criminal rate is high, if you think everything is expensive, if you think government officers are inefficient, if you think paying toll gates is a great burden, if you think Barisan Nasional ministers are racists… Then you should know more about politic!"
Theresa Kok contesting in Kinrara -> story here.
p/s : I stay at Bandar Kinrara
Friday, February 15, 2008
Chinese New Year
Manage to see many relatives and old friends.
Especially friends from overseas....college friend...secondary school friend...and long lost contact secondary school friend...
And lastly...the drunken nights throughout the new year were excellent with close friends/long lost friends/reunio friends.
Had my reunion dinner at my aunt house in Kepong dishes are photos below.

My favourite bak zham gei, steam white chicken. The chicken is from my aunt's back yard. No injection nor genetically altered food fed to the chicken! Yummy!

Old style onion soya sauce. Yum...

BBQ pork, fried wantan, and veges.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Saturday first time surfing(drowning) experience.
Body board surfing starts at 3-4pm while surfing starts at 530-615. We reached about 1-2+ and chill by the "beach" hut. Tried body board and it is a lot easier to catch wave than the surfboard.
Body board surfing was about 2-3 waves like 15minutes, then it started to rain and we got our refund back.
Chilled by the beach hut again. When its time for surfing I was nervous like body surfing . But this time even more , i dunno why.
First two wave my friend Cliffton pushed me and i got the feeling of flying and tried to stand on the board the second time, only for a while and i lost my balance.
The rest of the waves, I was drowning all the way.....I couldnt paddle correctly to the speed to match the wave speed. Most of the time I lost my balance and it went to left direction and I started to get nervous as my friend told me i shouldnt be blocking the rest as they will split to right or left...
I guess I have a lot to work on before I can catch the wave on my own...

Life guard trying out surfing while some customer trying to feel the wave.

Life guard surfing.

Fire from the pyramid lion head.
Friday, February 1, 2008
The new MBSSKL
two new 4 storey class room block has been erected on both side of the school office.
Below are some of the photos taken.

2storey of 10th KL air scout room. I was a St John ambulance guy, but I am proud that the scouts have done this.

I find this a bit funny in our school toilet...

Work underway the staircase between our school canteen to star LRT .

Between school canteen staircase directly link to star LRT.
3 of my friends and myself donated rm200 each to this project. It is the least contribution we can do to show our appreciation for the school and for the better Glory of God.
Many new construction of the school are also donated by some of the famous locals like GS Gill, and Lim Goh Tong.
It is the realisation of the school facilities we enjoyed last time donated by old boys and the tradition carries on...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
People ask me "why surfing?"
I was about to turn it off and go online in my room, then the waves and the man riding in the "tube of wave", one hand touching the ocean , the other balancing himself with the surfboad. It had my attention...
Thats how it all started...i further went online google all about surfing knowledge, schools, waves , basic knowledge etc...even hooked up with ex colleague cliffton sum, now an advance surfer travelling weekly to cherating during monsoon season. I am still trying to break my weekend schedule to follow him.
And sometime people ask again, "why surfing ?". Then i saw this quote from http://www.cheynehoran.com.au/bigwaves.html as i was googling for surfing school. Their prices are quite reasonable.
Sung to the tune of Gangster's Paradise
Yeah I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death
and I look at my life and say "Have I done it yet"?
Livin'in, livin'in Surf'ers Para'dise

Friday, January 11, 2008
My oakley ruby lens and Going for phuket trip
i must say the juliet ruby doesnt suits me perfectly but i still like it :D
might probably change to another pair later..but not any time soon . Anyway here is the lens

My new pair of swimming trunk and goggles. Not sure how good is the goggles i just choose the pair that doesnt look pasar malam :D .
I finally learnt how to swim, today i am gonna learn how to float in swimming poool deeper than my height. There on I am gonna practice practice practice and get ready for my surfing lessons.

Finally I am closer to overcome my "fear". After which i will go and take up surfing, one of the toughest sports!!
Finally I can go to swimming pool and beaches and have some fun!!