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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

TVB+ trial run email

Getting first trial from tvb+ , i wonder if they actually works? PPS is providing it FREE ! only 1 day delayed.

Dear Member,

Experience the New myTV+ Service

Thank you very much for your interest to participate the myTV+ service. Now, you are the pioneer to experience the myTV+ service which is 100% FREE. Simply follow the following steps to enjoy the service.

Step 1:
Please click here to activate a tester account

Step 2:
Please click the below link, you can enjoy myTV+ version

Step 3:
We are pleased to invite you to answer myTV+ service survey. We hope that we could provide better and comprehensive service in the future.

If you have any queries and opinions, please email to


(1), No charge will be applied during myTV Beta trial period and TVB Digital Media (HK) Limited will not be responsible for any problem arising from this testing platform.

(2), myTV Beta platform will be terminated anytime without prior notice, TVB Digital Media (HK) Limited will reserve the rights on final decision.

(3), Other terms and conditions (if applicable), please refer to TVB Digital Media (HK) Limited’s terms of use.

Friday, October 1, 2010


"萬事由天莫強求,何須苦苦用計謀?飽三餐飯常知足,得一帆風便可收。生事事生何日了,害人人害幾時休。冤家宜解不宜結,各自回頭看後頭。" ~ 唐伯虎 《嘆世》之二

"修身,齊家,治國,平天下" ~《禮記。大學》


人生本來就是學無涯,敢問,有多少人真正做到修身?哪個家沒爭吵 ?哪來"天國"? 哪來天下太平?亂,爭吵是正常的?在21世紀孔子的理想在於義和禮是否愚笨?利益是否是做人做事的方針了?