TOXIC Hairy Crabs, Eels, Turtles, Bean Sprouts, Farmed Fish - worse than the Melamine Milk Scandal
比三鹿厲害100倍的大閘蟹- with loose English Translations
Yale Professor Chan CM, in his lecture at Beida Univ about poisonous eels being sold in China and how widely the local eel farms are using hormones which remain in the human body sometimes for 7-8 yrs.
Prof Chan went on to say that an Environmental Scientist whom he met at Suzhow meeting told him "my relative who owns a bean sprouts farm said that because of the use of hormones, the sprouts normally take 5 days to be ready for sale is now ready in 1 day. Truckloads are sold to Canton and no one in his village will eat the stuff they farmed. "
Hairy Crabs : Mostly from Jiangsu Each year, the crabs became more affordable due to large harvest. They are bred using all kinds of toxins : hormones, antibiotics. From the baby crabs stage, the crabs are fed around 10 types of chemicals. In Fujian , they are worse, they will feed the female crabs with birthcontrol hormones so that the mother crab will be plumb and ready.
不僅黃鱔、豆芽,還有廣東、香港人最愛吃的大閘蟹,也是用激素餵養的。江蘇是中國盛產大閘蟹之地,有600多個蟹場。 香港廣東的大閘蟹,多是從江蘇運來的。香港《壹週刊》去年十月報導說,“香港人喜歡吃大閘蟹,蟹價越來越便宜,幾乎成為市民家常便菜。大閘蟹賣得愈便宜,市民吃得愈凶。”大閘蟹怎麼越賣越便宜,是大豐收嗎? 該刊記者專程到江蘇蟹場採訪,結果發現,那些大閘蟹都是用激素快速養成的。湖裏的大閘蟹一般至少兩年才能長到二兩以上,但江蘇養殖場的大閘蟹,使用激素之後,都是一年蟹,當年下苗,當年養成上市。《壹週刊》的記者把從江蘇蟹場買回來的螃蟹送到香港“標準及檢定中心”化驗發現,
24 hours after they are fetched, the crabs arrive HK dinner table, but not before they were fed one last time with antibiotics so that they will stay healthy enroute.
If you walk along the small streets in the Crab Farms, you will see many shops selling "Medicine for Crabs"; there are at least 10 different kinds on their "menu".
Next Magazine Investigative Journalists took 12 Hairy Crabs for lab test. 11 of them have 土黴素. 6 have 氯黴素 All damaging to blood, and esp bad for pregnant women and foetuses.
If they tell you their crabs are fed by organically (versus Chemically Fed), that means they are fed by decomposing carcases of dead cats, dogs, chicken. The dogs died from first being poisoned, or from diseases. The owner of the crab farm pulled from under a bed a dead carcass, deskin and dehaired it, waving a piece of the leg proudly pronouncing it as "organic feed" These dogs came from a private vendor that kills the dogs by poisonous gases. The dog died from chemical poisoning.
The investigative journalists from HK witnessed such display of "organic feeding" when the farmer tossed the dog carcass into the pond. They watched 2 crabs feeding on the decaying carcass.
江蘇的蟹場還使用死貓、死狗、死家禽等餵養大閘蟹。江蘇“新群蟹場”被稱為“李叔”的負責人的床下就放著兩隻未剝皮的死狗,還有一堆死雞鴨! 。他說,“一星期放一次,蟹特別喜歡吃爛肉!”香港記者看到蟹塘中浮著一隻剝了皮的死狗,兩隻大閘蟹爬在狗上進食。水面的狗血紅中帶紫,狗頭呲牙咧嘴,樣子很恐怖。但那位“李叔”卻很輕鬆地從他的床下拖出一隻死狗,剝去皮毛,拎著狗腿對記者得意地說:“這是天然飼料,我的蟹營養豐富,從小吃肉,不像別人的蟹從小吃藥!”但這些狗都是走私團夥將路上的狗用劇毒氰化鉀毒死後,拿來出售的,本身就是毒狗。
The Fishery Dept of the govt showed that the most famous YC Lake for Hairy Crabs, at maximum can only produce 13,000 Class 1 Crabs. HK imported 130K crabs all claiming it's from YC Lake.
“天然飼料”。江蘇陽澄湖出產的大閘蟹最出名,但據水產部門統計,陽澄湖的一級大閘蟹,每年只產一萬三千隻。但去年香港人吃了一千三百萬隻螃蟹(平均每人吃兩隻),可見大部份都是冒牌貨。江蘇淡水研究所工程師唐天德說,現在全中國除西藏外,都說出售正宗陽澄湖大閘蟹,但八成以上是雜種蟹;是毒蟹。 JiangSu natural water engineer Mr Tong, TK said the the whole of China claims that the hairy crabs they sell are from YC Lake. The only exception being those sold in Tibet , a desert :-P
Turtles, Snakes, all fed by chemicals, as well as birth control hormones.
Toxin fed Crabs, snakes, eels, turtles, all fed for revenue, not forgetting fake milk powder, Fish from fish farms, bean sprouts, fake soya sauce, fake seaweeds, fake eggs ....... Color-enriched tomatoes, melon seeds, grapes...... all massive exploits to milk cash. Why is all that happening in China ?
First lack of govt control. To be fair, even if the govt wish to do it, they cannot keep up with the sudden market demand as consumers as the surging middle class have a lot more cash nowadays. 2nd : Greed.
3rd and most fundamental reason : This has led to the current problem of the maximization of profit at the cost of morality.
4th: The lack of Family Values (as kids growing up, the only family value bred them is how to make money). The daily mantra is "Study hard to ultimately get rich."
The adults feel that they have to make up for "lost" time when they were deprived under the Totalitarian regime when the govt kept what they harvested. While their bank accounts swell, they are morally bankrupt.
A programmer by profession and a photography enthusiast Malaysian residing in Australia.
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A to Z of Oz Slang -FWD email
A to Z of Aussie Slang
Ace! : Excellent! Very good!
Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football
Amber fluid : beer
Ambo : ambulance, ambulance driver
Ankle biter : small child
Arvo : afternoon
Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand
Back of Bourke : a very long way away
Banana bender : a person from Queensland
Barbie : barbecue (noun)
Beaut, beauty : great, fantastic
Billy : teapot. Container for boiling water
Bingle : motor vehicle accident
Bities : biting insects
Bitzer : mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that)
Bizzo : business (”mind your own bizzo”)
Bloke : man, guy
Blowie : blow fly
Bludger : lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to
do things or lend him things
Blue : fight (”he was having a blue with his wife”)
Bodgy : of inferior quality
Bogan : person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days
slacking and drinking beer
Bonzer : great, ripper
Boogie board : a hybrid, half-sized surf board
Booze bus : police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers
Boozer : a pub
Bottle shop : liquor shop
Brekkie : breakfast
Brick shit house, built like a : big strong bloke
Brisvegas : Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Brizzie : Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Brown-eyed mullet : a turd in the sea (where you’re swimming!)
Buck’s night : stag party
Budgie smugglers : men’s bathing costume
Bush oyster : nasal mucus
Bush telly : campfire
Bushman’s hanky : Emitting nasal mucus by placing one index finger on the
outside of the nose (thus blocking one nostril) and blowing.
Butcher : small glass of beer in South Australia
Cactus : dead, not functioning (”this bloody washing machine is cactus”)
Cane toad : a person from Queensland
Cark it : to die, cease functioning
Chook : a chicken
Chrissie : Christmas
Chuck a sickie : take the day off sick from work when you’re perfectly healthy
Chunder : vomit
Clacker : anus
Clayton’s : fake, substitute
Clucky : feeling broody or maternal
Coathanger : Sydney Harbour bridge
Cobber : friend
Cockie : farmer
Cockie : cockroach
Cockroach : a person from New South Wales
Coldie : a beer
Come a gutser : make a bad mistake, have an accident
Compo : Workers’ Compensation pay
Cooee, within : nearby
Cook : One’s wife
Corker : something excellent
Cozzie : swimming costume
Crack a fat : get an erection
Crack onto (someone) : to hit on someone, pursue someone romantically
Cranky : in a bad mood, angry
Cream (verb) : defeat by a large margin
Crook : sick, or badly made
Crow eater : a person from South Australia
Cut lunch : sandwiches
Dag : a funny person, nerd, goof
Daks : trousers
Damper : bread made from flour and water
Date : arse[hole] (”get off your fat date”)
Dead horse : Tomato sauce
Deadset : true, the truth
Dero : tramp, hobo, homeless person
Digger : a soldier
Dill : an idiot
Dingo’s breakfast : a yawn, a leak and a good look round (i.e. no breakfast)
Dinkum, fair dinkum : true, real, genuine
Dinky-di : the real thing, genuine
Dipstick : a loser, idiot
Divvy van : Police vehicle used for transporting criminals.
Dog : unattractive woman
Dog’s eye : meat pie
Dole bludger : somebody on social assistance when unjustified
Donger : penis
Doodle : penis
Drink with the flies : to drink alone
Drongo : a dope, stupid person
Drum : information, tip-off
Duffer, cattle : rustler
Dunny : outside lavatory
Durry : tobacco, cigarette
Esky : large insulated food/drink container for picnics, barbecues etc.
Exy : expensive
Fair go : a chance
Fairy floss : candy floss, cotton candy
Feral : a hippie
Figjam : Nickname for people who have a high opinion of themselves.
Fisho : fishmonger
Flake : shark’s flesh (sold in fish & chips shops)
Flick : to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid of it or him/her
Flick it on : to sell something, usually for a quick profit, soon after buying
Fly wire : gauze flyscreen covering a window or doorway.
Franger : condom
Freckle : anus
Fruit loop : fool
Full : drunk
G’Day : hello!
Give it a burl : try it, have a go
Gobful, give a : to abuse, usually justifiably
Good oil : useful information, a good idea, the truth
Grog : liquor, beer (”bring your own grog, you bludger”)
Handle : beer glass with a handle
Hoon : hooligan
Hooroo : goodbye
Hotel : often just a pub
Hottie : hot water bottle
Icy pole, ice block : popsicle, lollypop
Joey : baby kangaroo
Jug : electric kettle
Jumbuck : sheep
Kelpie : Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie
Kero : kerosene
Kindie : kindergarten
Knock : to criticise
Knock back : refusal
Knocker : somebody who criticises
Lair it up : to behave in a brash and vulgar manner
Larrikin : a bloke who is always enjoying himself, harmless prankster
Liquid laugh : vomit
Longneck : 750ml bottle of beer in South Australia
Lunch, who opened their? : OK, who farted?
Lurk : illegal or underhanded racket
Mackers : McDonald’s
Manchester : Household linen, eg sheets etc.
Mappa Tassie : map of Tasmania – a woman’s pubic area
Mate : buddy, friend
Matilda : swagman’s bedding, sleeping roll
Metho : methylated spirits
Mexican : a person from south of the Queensland or New South Wales border
Milk bar : corner shop that sells takeaway food
Mongrel : despicable person
Moolah : money
Mozzie : mosquito
Mull : grass (the kind you smoke)
Muster : round up sheep or cattle
Mystery bag : a sausage
Nasho : National Service (compulsory military service)
Never Never : the Outback, centre of Australia
Nipper : young surf lifesaver
No worries! : Expression of forgiveness or reassurance
Not the full quid : not bright intellectually
Nuddy, in the : naked
Nut out : hammer out or work out (an agreement)
Ocker : an unsophisticated person
Offsider : an assistant, helper
Oldies : parents
Op shop : opportunity shop, thrift store, place where second hand goods are
Pash : a long passionate kiss; hence “pashing on”
Pig’s arse! : I don’t agree with you
Piker : Someone who doesn’t want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties
Pink slip, get the : get fired (from the colour of the termination form)
Plate, bring a : Instruction on party or BBQ invitation to bring your own food.
It doesn’t mean they’re short of crockery!
Pokies : poker machines, fruit machines, gambling slot machines
Pommy bastard : an Englishman
Pommy shower : using deodorant instead of taking a shower
Pot : 285 ml beer glass in Queensland and Victoria
Prezzy : present, gift
Quid, make a : earn a living
Rack off : push off! get lost! get out of here!
Rage : party
Rapt : pleased, delighted
Rellie or relo : family relative
Ridgy-didge : original, genuine
Roadie : a beer you buy to take away with you
Root : synonym for f*ck in nearly all its senses: “I feel rooted”; “this washing
machine is rooted”; “(s)he’s a good root”. A very useful word in fairly polite
Root rat : somebody who is constantly looking for sex.
Rort : Cheating, fiddling, defrauding (expenses, the system etc.).
Salute, Aussie : brushing flies away
Sandgroper : a person from Western Australia
Sanger : a sandwich
Schooner : large beer glass in Queensland; medium beer glass in South Australia
Scratchy : instant lottery ticket
Screamer : party lover; “two pot screamer” – somebody who gets drunk on very
little alcohol
Seppo : an American
Servo : petrol station
Shark biscuit : somebody new to surfing
Sheepshagger : A New Zealander
Sheila : a woman
Skite : boast, brag
Slab : a carton of 24 bottles or cans of beer
Smoko : smoke or coffee break
Sook : person or animal who is soft, tame, inoffensive.
Spewin’ : very angry
Spiffy, pretty spiffy : great, excellent
Spit the dummy : get very upset at something
Spruiker : man who stands outside a nightclub or restaurant trying to persuade
people to enter
Spunk : a good looking person
Stickybeak : nosy person
Stoked : very pleased
Strewth : exclamation, mild oath
Strides : trousers
Stubby : a 375ml. beer bottle
Sunnies : sunglasses
Swag : rolled up bedding etc. carried by a swagman
Swagman : tramp, hobo
Tall poppies : successful people
Taswegian : derogatory term for a person from Tasmania
Tee-up : to set up
Thongs : cheap rubber backless sandals
Throw-down : small bottle of beer which you can throw down quickly.
Tinny : can of beer
Togs : swim suit
Tucker : food
Turps, hit the : go on a drinking binge
Two up : gambling game played by spinning two coins simultaneously
Unit : flat, apartment
Ute : utility vehicle, pickup truck
Vedgies : vegetables
Vee dub : Volkswagen
Veg out : relax in front of the TV
Vejjo : vegetarian
Waggin’ school : playing truant
Walkabout, it’s gone : it’s lost, can’t be found
Whacker, whacka : Idiot; somebody who talks drivel; somebody with whom you have
little patience; a dickhead
Whinge : complain
White pointers : topless (female) sunbathers
Wog : flu or trivial illness
Wog : person of Mediterranean origin. A milder insult than the same word in the
UK and perhaps elsewhere.
Wowser : straight-laced person, prude, puritan, spoilsport
Yabber : talk (a lot)
Yakka : work
Zack : sixpence (5 cents)
Ace! : Excellent! Very good!
Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football
Amber fluid : beer
Ambo : ambulance, ambulance driver
Ankle biter : small child
Arvo : afternoon
Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand
Back of Bourke : a very long way away
Banana bender : a person from Queensland
Barbie : barbecue (noun)
Beaut, beauty : great, fantastic
Billy : teapot. Container for boiling water
Bingle : motor vehicle accident
Bities : biting insects
Bitzer : mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that)
Bizzo : business (”mind your own bizzo”)
Bloke : man, guy
Blowie : blow fly
Bludger : lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to
do things or lend him things
Blue : fight (”he was having a blue with his wife”)
Bodgy : of inferior quality
Bogan : person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days
slacking and drinking beer
Bonzer : great, ripper
Boogie board : a hybrid, half-sized surf board
Booze bus : police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers
Boozer : a pub
Bottle shop : liquor shop
Brekkie : breakfast
Brick shit house, built like a : big strong bloke
Brisvegas : Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Brizzie : Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Brown-eyed mullet : a turd in the sea (where you’re swimming!)
Buck’s night : stag party
Budgie smugglers : men’s bathing costume
Bush oyster : nasal mucus
Bush telly : campfire
Bushman’s hanky : Emitting nasal mucus by placing one index finger on the
outside of the nose (thus blocking one nostril) and blowing.
Butcher : small glass of beer in South Australia
Cactus : dead, not functioning (”this bloody washing machine is cactus”)
Cane toad : a person from Queensland
Cark it : to die, cease functioning
Chook : a chicken
Chrissie : Christmas
Chuck a sickie : take the day off sick from work when you’re perfectly healthy
Chunder : vomit
Clacker : anus
Clayton’s : fake, substitute
Clucky : feeling broody or maternal
Coathanger : Sydney Harbour bridge
Cobber : friend
Cockie : farmer
Cockie : cockroach
Cockroach : a person from New South Wales
Coldie : a beer
Come a gutser : make a bad mistake, have an accident
Compo : Workers’ Compensation pay
Cooee, within : nearby
Cook : One’s wife
Corker : something excellent
Cozzie : swimming costume
Crack a fat : get an erection
Crack onto (someone) : to hit on someone, pursue someone romantically
Cranky : in a bad mood, angry
Cream (verb) : defeat by a large margin
Crook : sick, or badly made
Crow eater : a person from South Australia
Cut lunch : sandwiches
Dag : a funny person, nerd, goof
Daks : trousers
Damper : bread made from flour and water
Date : arse[hole] (”get off your fat date”)
Dead horse : Tomato sauce
Deadset : true, the truth
Dero : tramp, hobo, homeless person
Digger : a soldier
Dill : an idiot
Dingo’s breakfast : a yawn, a leak and a good look round (i.e. no breakfast)
Dinkum, fair dinkum : true, real, genuine
Dinky-di : the real thing, genuine
Dipstick : a loser, idiot
Divvy van : Police vehicle used for transporting criminals.
Dog : unattractive woman
Dog’s eye : meat pie
Dole bludger : somebody on social assistance when unjustified
Donger : penis
Doodle : penis
Drink with the flies : to drink alone
Drongo : a dope, stupid person
Drum : information, tip-off
Duffer, cattle : rustler
Dunny : outside lavatory
Durry : tobacco, cigarette
Esky : large insulated food/drink container for picnics, barbecues etc.
Exy : expensive
Fair go : a chance
Fairy floss : candy floss, cotton candy
Feral : a hippie
Figjam : Nickname for people who have a high opinion of themselves.
Fisho : fishmonger
Flake : shark’s flesh (sold in fish & chips shops)
Flick : to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid of it or him/her
Flick it on : to sell something, usually for a quick profit, soon after buying
Fly wire : gauze flyscreen covering a window or doorway.
Franger : condom
Freckle : anus
Fruit loop : fool
Full : drunk
G’Day : hello!
Give it a burl : try it, have a go
Gobful, give a : to abuse, usually justifiably
Good oil : useful information, a good idea, the truth
Grog : liquor, beer (”bring your own grog, you bludger”)
Handle : beer glass with a handle
Hoon : hooligan
Hooroo : goodbye
Hotel : often just a pub
Hottie : hot water bottle
Icy pole, ice block : popsicle, lollypop
Joey : baby kangaroo
Jug : electric kettle
Jumbuck : sheep
Kelpie : Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie
Kero : kerosene
Kindie : kindergarten
Knock : to criticise
Knock back : refusal
Knocker : somebody who criticises
Lair it up : to behave in a brash and vulgar manner
Larrikin : a bloke who is always enjoying himself, harmless prankster
Liquid laugh : vomit
Longneck : 750ml bottle of beer in South Australia
Lunch, who opened their? : OK, who farted?
Lurk : illegal or underhanded racket
Mackers : McDonald’s
Manchester : Household linen, eg sheets etc.
Mappa Tassie : map of Tasmania – a woman’s pubic area
Mate : buddy, friend
Matilda : swagman’s bedding, sleeping roll
Metho : methylated spirits
Mexican : a person from south of the Queensland or New South Wales border
Milk bar : corner shop that sells takeaway food
Mongrel : despicable person
Moolah : money
Mozzie : mosquito
Mull : grass (the kind you smoke)
Muster : round up sheep or cattle
Mystery bag : a sausage
Nasho : National Service (compulsory military service)
Never Never : the Outback, centre of Australia
Nipper : young surf lifesaver
No worries! : Expression of forgiveness or reassurance
Not the full quid : not bright intellectually
Nuddy, in the : naked
Nut out : hammer out or work out (an agreement)
Ocker : an unsophisticated person
Offsider : an assistant, helper
Oldies : parents
Op shop : opportunity shop, thrift store, place where second hand goods are
Pash : a long passionate kiss; hence “pashing on”
Pig’s arse! : I don’t agree with you
Piker : Someone who doesn’t want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties
Pink slip, get the : get fired (from the colour of the termination form)
Plate, bring a : Instruction on party or BBQ invitation to bring your own food.
It doesn’t mean they’re short of crockery!
Pokies : poker machines, fruit machines, gambling slot machines
Pommy bastard : an Englishman
Pommy shower : using deodorant instead of taking a shower
Pot : 285 ml beer glass in Queensland and Victoria
Prezzy : present, gift
Quid, make a : earn a living
Rack off : push off! get lost! get out of here!
Rage : party
Rapt : pleased, delighted
Rellie or relo : family relative
Ridgy-didge : original, genuine
Roadie : a beer you buy to take away with you
Root : synonym for f*ck in nearly all its senses: “I feel rooted”; “this washing
machine is rooted”; “(s)he’s a good root”. A very useful word in fairly polite
Root rat : somebody who is constantly looking for sex.
Rort : Cheating, fiddling, defrauding (expenses, the system etc.).
Salute, Aussie : brushing flies away
Sandgroper : a person from Western Australia
Sanger : a sandwich
Schooner : large beer glass in Queensland; medium beer glass in South Australia
Scratchy : instant lottery ticket
Screamer : party lover; “two pot screamer” – somebody who gets drunk on very
little alcohol
Seppo : an American
Servo : petrol station
Shark biscuit : somebody new to surfing
Sheepshagger : A New Zealander
Sheila : a woman
Skite : boast, brag
Slab : a carton of 24 bottles or cans of beer
Smoko : smoke or coffee break
Sook : person or animal who is soft, tame, inoffensive.
Spewin’ : very angry
Spiffy, pretty spiffy : great, excellent
Spit the dummy : get very upset at something
Spruiker : man who stands outside a nightclub or restaurant trying to persuade
people to enter
Spunk : a good looking person
Stickybeak : nosy person
Stoked : very pleased
Strewth : exclamation, mild oath
Strides : trousers
Stubby : a 375ml. beer bottle
Sunnies : sunglasses
Swag : rolled up bedding etc. carried by a swagman
Swagman : tramp, hobo
Tall poppies : successful people
Taswegian : derogatory term for a person from Tasmania
Tee-up : to set up
Thongs : cheap rubber backless sandals
Throw-down : small bottle of beer which you can throw down quickly.
Tinny : can of beer
Togs : swim suit
Tucker : food
Turps, hit the : go on a drinking binge
Two up : gambling game played by spinning two coins simultaneously
Unit : flat, apartment
Ute : utility vehicle, pickup truck
Vedgies : vegetables
Vee dub : Volkswagen
Veg out : relax in front of the TV
Vejjo : vegetarian
Waggin’ school : playing truant
Walkabout, it’s gone : it’s lost, can’t be found
Whacker, whacka : Idiot; somebody who talks drivel; somebody with whom you have
little patience; a dickhead
Whinge : complain
White pointers : topless (female) sunbathers
Wog : flu or trivial illness
Wog : person of Mediterranean origin. A milder insult than the same word in the
UK and perhaps elsewhere.
Wowser : straight-laced person, prude, puritan, spoilsport
Yabber : talk (a lot)
Yakka : work
Zack : sixpence (5 cents)
Healthy recipe/tips with some traditional chinese dishes
Unfortunately this website is only in mandarin
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Friday morning : Man in hoodie crossing the street
Scene 1: I was 'half awake' standing in front of Borders bookstore on corner of Albert Street across Elibabeth street waiting for the pedestrian light to go green. Enjoying the chilling morning breeze I swayed my eye sight from left to right and noticed a man in hoodie crossing the street towards my direction while pedestrian light was still red.
There was another man standing next to me and man in hoodie still walking near towards my direction. Only few share this sentiment, in Oz people tend to like to walk towards your direction and not give way, especially in busy areas. So knowing that I had been standing there and I certaily was not doing anything wrong I refused to give way especially when I think he sort of gave me a look(maybe i was just being sensitive and half awake!).
He then walked through between me and the guy standing next to me and NOT around us.
Scene 2 : Patrolling police car stopped in front of me, wind down the window and signal the guy in hoodie behind me . I am not sure if he noticed because I wasnt looking back. 2 policemen opens the car door and ran towards the man in hoodie.
Man in hoodie got arrested for crossing road while pedestrian traffic light is still red.
This is NOT the first time I see people got arrested for this offence on this particular road, if you want to do it make sure no policemen are around.
This applies to all road crossing in Australia, especially in the city.
Sometimes it's better to just chill then rush your way through, have a good Friday guys!
There was another man standing next to me and man in hoodie still walking near towards my direction. Only few share this sentiment, in Oz people tend to like to walk towards your direction and not give way, especially in busy areas. So knowing that I had been standing there and I certaily was not doing anything wrong I refused to give way especially when I think he sort of gave me a look(maybe i was just being sensitive and half awake!).
He then walked through between me and the guy standing next to me and NOT around us.
Scene 2 : Patrolling police car stopped in front of me, wind down the window and signal the guy in hoodie behind me . I am not sure if he noticed because I wasnt looking back. 2 policemen opens the car door and ran towards the man in hoodie.
Man in hoodie got arrested for crossing road while pedestrian traffic light is still red.
This is NOT the first time I see people got arrested for this offence on this particular road, if you want to do it make sure no policemen are around.
This applies to all road crossing in Australia, especially in the city.
Sometimes it's better to just chill then rush your way through, have a good Friday guys!
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